Friday, September 30, 2011
Velkominn til Ítalíu, Kobe Bryant
Fyrrverandi leikmaður USC háskólans og núverandi liðsmaður Pesaro liðsins á Ítalíu ætlar að veita Kobe Bryant óblíðar móttökur þennan mánuð sem hann ætlar að spila fyrir Virtus Bologna:
"The only way to stop a player that good is with a hard foul and he knows that," Hackett said. "I've got five fouls to commit and they're going to be the hardest five fouls I've ever committed."Kannski best að Kobe renni yfir tryggingarnar sínar áður en hann hoppar upp í vél til Ítalíu.
Til lukku Hreggviður
Fyrsta "veggspjald"/facial vetrarins í íslenska boltanum og enginn annar en Hreggviður Magnússon veitir því móttöku. Nathan Walkup ber augljóslega nafn með rentu.
Ljósmynd: Tomasz Kolodziejski –
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mac Miller - Blue Slide Park (Tracklist)
Hlakka mikið til að fá þessa í hendur...
01. English Lane
02. Blue Slide Park
03. Party On Fifth Ave
04. PA Nights
05. Frick Park Market
06. Smile Back
07. Under The Weather
08. Of The Soul
09. My Team
10. Up All Night
11. Loitering Album Only
12. Hole In My Pocket
13. Diamonds & Gold
14. Missed Calls
15. Man In The Hat
16. One Last Thing
David Falk gæti leyst verkbannið á augnabliki
Valdamesti umboðsmaður NBA deildarinnar, David Falk hefur sitthvað að segja um þetta verkbann:
"I would bet a lot of money that if we miss one or two games, we're going to miss the whole season. ... It's my understanding that the owners project if there's no season, they'll lose $1.5 billion and if there's no season the players will lose $2.167 billion in salary, probably another $200 or $300 million more in endorsements."Um hvað sé hægt að gera:
"I volunteered. I've given both sides very, very specific suggestions on how to get over the hurdle. ... I think that I could make this deal in one day, with either party."HookUp: FanNation
Monday, September 26, 2011
Cappie Pondexter vs. Sebastian Telfair
WNBA stjarnan Cappie Pondexter fer illa með Timberwolves leikmanninn Sebastian Telfair...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Íslandsmót ÍR og í Stinger
Allir að skrá sig!!!
Íslandsmót ÍR og í Stinger
Laugardaginn 1. október næstkomandi mun Körfuknattleiksdeild ÍR í samstarfi við standa að fyrsta Íslandsmótinu í skotkeppninni Stinger. Mótið mun fara fram í Seljaskóla í Reykjavík og mun sigurvegari mótsins verða krýndur Íslandsmeistari í Stinger. Til mikils er að vinna en sigurvegarinn mun fá til sín 33% af þátttökugjaldi mótsins, því fleiri keppendur, því hærri vinningur!
Skotkeppnin Stinger er öllum kunn, þar keppist fólk við að skjóta hvert annað úr leik og á mótinu verður skotið frá þriggja stiga línunni.
Skráningargjald í mótið verður kr. 500,- og mun sigurvegarinn fá til sín 33% ágóðans, hinum þremur hlutunum verður skipt svo:
33% munu renna til góðgerðarmála/líknarfélags að vali sigurvegarans
34% munu renna til framkvæmdar á mótinu sjálfu
Sigurvegarinn mun í samstarfi við ÍR og velja góðgerðarmál/líknarfélag til að styrkja.
Skráning í mótið mun fara fram á staðnum.
-Skotkeppni til síðasta manns
-Skotið er frá þriggja stiga línunni
-Þú mátt skjóta þínu skoti um leið og aðilinn fyrir framan þig hefur tekið sitt skot
-Ef skotið þitt geigar átt þú að ná í frákastið og reyna að skora... ef aðilinn fyrir aftan þig skorar á undan þér ert þú úr leik.
-Ekki má að óþörfu trufla andstæðinginn eða með einhverjum hætti viljandi bæjga boltanum hans frá eða trufla skot hans með nokkrum hætti.
Allar nánari upplýsingar um mótið fást á eða hjá
J. Cole - Daddy's Little Girl (Video)
Ein af plötum ársins, Cole World: The Sideline Story, kemur út á þriðjudaginn (27. sept)...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Knicks aðdáendur örvæntið ekki
... Iman Shumpert er mættur.
Iman Shumpert,
Friday, September 23, 2011
NBA verkbannið er formlega hafið
Liðin hafa nú afboðað æfingarbúðir fyrir næsta tímabil í ljós frétta af síðasta fundi samninganefnda leikmanna og eigenda. Marcus Camby reið einnig á vaðið og lét bösta sig með marijuana í bílnum í nótt. Nú er bara að setja í pott og veðja hver kemur feitastur til leiks eftir þetta verkbann, a'la (Fat) Shawn Kemp og (alchoholic) Vin Baker. Camby er sterkur kandídat í mínum bókum.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Big Game James: The James Worthy Story
Það er aðeins einn Big Game James og það er ekki LeBron.
Ný heimildamynd sem verður sýnd á NBATV á mánudagskvöld (allavega bandaríska NBATV)
Ný heimildamynd sem verður sýnd á NBATV á mánudagskvöld (allavega bandaríska NBATV)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ed Horton fer að versla í 10/11
KR-ingurinn Ed Horton deilir með okkur á Twitter reynslu sinni af fyrstu verslunarferð sinni á klakanum.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ron Artest í Dancing With The Stars
Ron Artest,
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Bréf Derek Fisher til NBA leikmanna
Það er kannski von.
Derek Fisher hefur sent bréf á alla leikmenn NBA deildarinnar til að útskýra hvað sé í raun í gangi.
Hann lætur m.a. umboðsmenn heyra það.
To Each & Every Player,
After the latest round of meetings, I thought it would be best to update you personally as to where the leadership of the National Basketball Players Association stands, where the negotiations stand where we are headed and the reasons why.
Without a doubt, someone will be leaking this. I know it. The moment you read this you will know it. So, I say all with the fullest transparency.
I was elected as your President. By you. For you. I take great pride and am honored to serve the over 400 members of our association. I and our Executive Committee take this job and this role seriously and will not agree to an unfair deal on behalf of you and our players. Period.
I'm not looking out just for the marquee guy, I'm looking out for the guy that dreams of being a professional basketball player and gets a minimum deal. I'm not just trying to protect the guy on a team in a huge market. I'm protecting the player that is in a small market with incredibly loyal fans.
I've made it clear, I want to play. You have each made it clear, you want to play. The fans have been unwavering, they want their basketball. The thousand of employees that work in the arenas, the ticket offices, the concession stands, they want a season. We all want to go back to work.
The league and the team owners have locked us out. This was not our choice. Our employers decided to stop allowing us to do our jobs.
My job since July 1st is to find a solution. To find an outcome that protects each of you and your livelihoods and continues to allow us to play the game we love so much and the fans love supporting.
Since before the lockout began, I have spent hours upon hours, days, months, years, working on preparing you, the fans and the media about the possibilities. Now as the lockout has set in, reality of the situation is here.
The most recent meetings in New York were effective. What you have been told by your agents, representatives and the media is probably speculative and inaccurate.
What actually happened in those meetings was discussion, brainstorming and a sharing of options by both sides. The turning point this past Tuesday was not a disagreement between the players and the owners. It was actually a fundamental divide between the owners internally. They could not agree with each other on specific points of the deal and therefore it caused conflict within the league and its owners.
So it is our hope that today, Thursday, at the owners meeting in Dallas that they work out their differences, come up with a revenue sharing plan that will protect their teams and are then ready to come together and sign off on the agreement we as a smaller group deemed reasonable.
Decertification seems to be a hot button issue today in the media. So I'd like to address it. I've read yesterday's stories and find the position of these agents interesting. I have made myself available to each and every agent. But not once have I heard from them. If they are so concerned about the direction of the union, then why have they not contacted me? Each and every one of them mentioned has been in meetings with me. I've answered their questions, I've been told they support you, their players and our Players Association. So if there is a genuine concern, a suggestion, a question, call me. Email me. Text me. I'm working tirelessly each and every day on behalf of the over 400 players that they represent. Working for nothing but the best interests of THEIR guys. I don't make a commission, I don't make a salary for serving as President. I have NO ulterior motives. None.
It is because they have not come to me once that I question their motives.
I work every day on these negotiations. I work so that each player from Blake Griffin to Tyler Hansbrough, Pau Gasol to De'Andre Jordan, Dwight Howard to Jrue Holiday, Taj Gibson to Danny Granger, Steve Nash to Luke Babbit and every single player get a fair and reasonable deal. Not just for this year, not just for next year but for years to come. So that the league that WE the players largely helped build, continues to grow and thrive.
So to address the agents that have decided to say their piece yesterday, I don't mind. Perhaps they are trying to make news. Perhaps they just want to show you, their clients, they are working hard. But what would be appreciated by the 400+ players would be the support of our agents and constructive ideas, suggestions and solutions that are in our best interests. Not the push for a drastic move that leaves their players without a union, without pensions, without health care. We just aren't there.
I will remain committed to finding resolution to this because I know how important this is. I ask you to remain united with me and your over 400 allies, friends, brothers and colleagues. We are a powerful group if we remain united and focused on the task at hand.
I urge every single one of you to call me, text me, email me with anything. An idea, a suggestion, a concern, a question. I represent you. I work for you.
So to each player, each fan, each agent, each media member who ends up reading this...I stand behind this message. It comes from me, a 15 year veteran of basketball, the game I dreamt of playing as a kid, the game I love so much. I'm a teammate, I'm a father, I'm a son, I'm a husband, I'm a brother, but right now, the role I must work so hard to honor is the one as PA President. And I ask each of you to stand with me, stand by me and urge the league and the owners to come together and allow the game of basketball to continue to grow and thrive. We're ready.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Vitnisburður um köflótt tímabil Vince Carter 2010-11
Spurning hvar hann endar fyrir næsta tímabil. Veit að Bulls eru að spá í hann alla vega.
Scottie Pippen stöffar í grillið á Brent Barry
Álitamál hvort er flottara, sendingin frá Ron Harper eða troðslan hjá Pippen...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Russar sigra Makedóna með bözzer
Spjaldið oní á bözzernum frá Sergei Monya...
Buzzer Beater,
Besta NBA lið allra tíma?
Þarf ekki að ræða það að mínu mati... sammála MJ með að '96 Bulls sé allra besta NBA lið sem spilað hefur í deildinni. Hands down.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Loksins fáanlegir Nike Mag úr Back To The Future
Nike fara alltaf alla leið þegar þeir gera eitthvað...
1.500 stk verða boðin út til styrktar The Michael J Fox Foundation og baráttunni gegn Parkinson sjúkdómnum.
Frumraun Randall Cobb í NFL deildinni
Ekki dapurt að byrja atvinnumannsferilinn sinn á þennan hátt. Green Bay Packers nýliðinn Randall Cobb með 108 metra hlaup coast-2-coast fyrir TD beint eftir spark frá NO Saints.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Ludacris heldur celeb körfuboltaleik
Hressandi highlights, Justin fkn Bieber trúðaður af Hot Sauce og enn ein sick troðslan frá Josh Selby.
Mikill blóðhiti í Mið-Ameríku
Knicks-leikmaðurinn Renaldo Balkman skallar Greivis Vasquez sem spilar með Grizzlies, eftir óíþróttamannslega villu þess síðarnefnda. Hressir strákar.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Skotbolta Deron
Í geðsýkinni með Kyle Korver á sínu árlega skotboltamóti í Utah. Hvað er að frétta með grímuna D?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Shawn Kemp 1991
Ein sú svakalegasta að mínu mati í sögu NBA All-Star troðslukeppninnar. Látum meistarana lýsa þessu fyrir ykkur.
Shawn Kemp,
Þyngdarafl hvað
Meira frá Melo-Goodman leiknum
Tvennt til að spá í varðandi þetta myndband:
- Á ekki LeBron James að vera einn besti varnar maður deildarinnar? Durant trúðar hann fram og tilbaka. Take notes, D-Rose.
- Troðslan frá Josh Selby í lokin er fáránleg!!
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